Our five lead partners bring together experienced staff with expertise in various fields relevant to urban development. They collaborate and form transdisciplinary teams for projects in sub-Saharan cities and regions in Africa. Certainly, projects have many more partners; especially local partners in each city are particularly crucial. Hence, all five lead partners invite potential allies to reach out and join forces. Together, we can make a meaningful contribution to make better African cities. On this page, you can find contact information and experts from each of the five lead partners of DASUDA Foundation. We are happy to share minds.

Robert van Kats

Bas van de Sande

Jenny Pronker

Tonny Bosch

Amanda Ngabirano

Koen van Baekel

Rob Winters

Remco Rolvink

Josje Hoefsloot

Mark Hendriks

BKVV architects / Partner and co-founder, Architect
Robert van Kats
Robert is architect and urban designer on a wide range of projects in both the Netherlands and many countries in sub-Sahara Africa. He is expert in climate friendly buildings and material innovation like local bamboo for construction.

CDR International / Project Manager, Country representative Tanzania
Bas van de Sande
Bas is a specialist in managing integrated projects from a flood resilience perspective. He is creative and gears flexibly between the holistic bigger picture and pragmatic detailing, working in the entire project cycle.

CDR International / Hydraulic Modelling and Rivers Engineer
Jenny Pronker
Jenny is experienced in hydraulic Modelling and River Engineering in integrated projects dealing with the consequences of climate change on urban and rural flooding along rivers and coastlines.

MOVE Mobility / CEO, and Traffic and transportation planner
Tonny Bosch
Tony is senior expert integrated planning in the field of traffic and transportation in large scale area development, and regional and master planning.

MOVE Mobility / senior urban and regional planner, Contactpersoon MOVE Mobility Africa
Amanda Ngabirano
Amanda is senior expert in the implementation of transport and mobility related projects for cities and municipalities. Furthermore, she is social development and communication expert.

RebelGroup International / Infra, transit & cities
Koen van Baekel
Koen is a senior financial expert working across various infrastructure and transport/mobility sectors. His profile stretches from business cases, financial structuring to procurement strategies throughout the world.

Rebel East Africa
Rob Winters
Rob Winters is managing director of the Rebel East Africa office in Kenya. He has thorough experience as public finance specialist in structuring financial and economic sound solutions for projects in developing countries.

VE-R landscape architecture & urbanism / Owner, Urban Planner
Remco Rolvink
Remco is urban planner with specialism in complex integrated project management and design from earliest concepts to detailed designs dealing with topics like housing, city greening, climate resiliency and infrastructure.

VE-R landscape architecture & urbanism / Country representative Tanzania, Landscape Architect
Josje Hoefsloot
Josje turns complex landscape assignments into strategies and detailed (vegetation) designs with special interest in using nature-based solutions.

DASUDA foundation / treasurer, sustainable urban development expert
Mark Hendriks
Mark is environmental assessment specialist and sustainable urban development expert. Within the foundation Mark is treasurer and board member.